Mai Thai

Mae Thai - Södermalm, Fridhemsplan, Odenplan

Välkommen till Mae Thai Smaker från Thailand Mae Thai grundades 2005 av mor och två söner som inspirerats av den Thailändska matkulturen och de vänliga invånarna.

För att kunna tillaga maten precis som i Thailand är givetvis våra kockar därifrån och resultatet är enastående.

Vad är hemligheten?

Värska råvaror, duktiga kockar som älskar sitt jobb och lagar maten med kärlek.

Välkommen alla dagar i veckan!

Reviews and related sites

Mae Thai - Södermalm, Fridhemsplan, Odenplan

Casserole with gulcurry, coconut milk and vegetables.

(Gulcurry is the only curry that can get vegan)

Mae Thai Mariatorget, Stockholm -

Studentwebben på SLU | Studentwebben

Kung Carls Bakficka – Restaurant, Bar – Norrmalm/City/Östermalm ...

Review analysis

Show original » Have only eaten brunch here and it was pretty much what you would expect from most brunch buffets that are a little more ambitious.

Pretty good in other words, but nothing special.

I'm not impressed, but at the same time, I cannot say that I ate so many better, the only thing I can think of is Berns Asian and is not directly comparable.

Pretty good in other words, but nothing special.

I'm not impressed, but at the same time, I cannot say that I ate so many better, the only thing I can think of is... Show full »

Kung Carls Bakficka – Restaurang, Bar – Norrmalm/City/Östermalm ...

Review analysis

Kung Carls BakfickaMitt på Östermalm och Stureplan ligger områdets mest hemtrevliga krog som blickar ut mot Stockholms citypuls.

Restaurangkonceptet Bakfickan - Tre Rum Kök stoltserar med flera rum att äta och umgås i - i sann hemma hos-anda.

En à la carte-meny i skön retrostil serveras i Köket, Orangeriet och Biblioteket medan Salongen och Skafferiet bjuder på enklare och snabbare alternativ.

Inredningen reflekterar sekelskiftescharm; Orangeriet för tankarna till varmare breddgrader medan Biblioteket välkomnar med röda tapeter, mässingslampor och gamla böcker.

Salongen gör nostalgitrippen total och går i klassiskt "finrum"-stuk, perfekt för en drink eller två före eller efter maten.

Binder Connector: Cable connector manufacturer & supplier ...

Review analysis

Our selection of circular connectors ranges from  miniature connectors  to multi-pin power connectors.

The use of binder connectors includes applications for the measuring and control technology and also automation.

We are not only experts in manufacturing of a variety of industrial circular connectors including built in and cable connectors for automation technology.

The use of Binder connectors includes applications for the measuring and control technology and also automation.

We extend our product portfolio by further 15 news and supplements in the fields of “miniature “, “power”, “medical applications”, “automation technology” as well as “LED lights”.

Shoutly Study: Consumers Trust Social Media Platforms for Product ...

Review analysis
reservations   staff   food  

The survey provides insights on consumer sentiment and the effectiveness of product marketing through traditional online advertising versus personalized recommendations on social media channels.

For example, most consumers said that they would purchase an ebook (77%) or software (78%) if they read a positive recommendation through social media.

Respondents said that the most trusted social media platform to follow posts for a product recommendation is Facebook (65%), followed by YouTube (36%), Twitter (27%), website (26%), blog (19%), Instagram (17%), Pinterest (16%), and Linkedin (14%).

Furthermore, respondents stated that the most useful social media recommendation for an ebook or software is a review from someone who has actually used it (61%).

As consumers continue to rely on personal recommendations through social media, an increasing number of everyday individuals are turning their online audiences – from Facebook and Instagram to Twitter and personal blogs – into a marketplace where their product reviews serve as a key driving force for purchasing decisions.

PwC Suomi

Consumers Trust Social Media Platforms for Product ...

SvenskTravsport - YouTube
